Starter checklist for PAYE

When hiring a new employee, employers must determine the appropriate tax code and starter declaration for their payroll software. Using incorrect tax codes can result in the new employee over or underpaying their taxes. To ensure the correct information is entered,...

Employing under 16-year-olds and young workers

When a new employee is added to the payroll it is the employers' responsibility to ensure they meet the employees’ rights and deduct the correct amount of tax from their salary. This includes any employees who are family members. It is possible to employ...

Statutory redundancy pay

If you have been in the same job for two years or more and are made redundant you will usually be entitled to redundancy money. The legal minimum that you are entitled to receive is known as ‘statutory redundancy pay’. There are exceptions where you are...

Employing staff for the first time?

There are a number of rules and regulations that you must be aware of when you employ staff for the first time. HMRC’s guidance sets out some important issues to be aware of when becoming an employer. Decide how much to pay someone – you must pay...